Jill Biden says everyone has to take Covid19 Vaccine

So if you wanna puke 🤮 this will sure do it. Listen to Dr Jill Biden My ass and The Guy who thinks his Sister is his Wife. Jill Biden’s Husband Joe Homo Biden in this New Masterpiece Legendary Youtube Video


Did You 🤮 or think these 2 are total Government Controlled Brainwashed Puppets?😂😂😂

Also Check out My Latest Podcast episode it’s about well listen it Exposes The Evil deeds of Darkness https://anchor.fm/sean-hunt6/episodes/EXPOSING-THEM-Election-Fraud-eojn2u

A Youtube Video I Have on Covid19 Vaccine


Thanks to all my 133 Youtube subscribers this Ch couldn’t be possible without your support😂😂😂 I’m South Kerr & I put the J in Genius

Published by South Kerr Productions

I’ve always followed jumped to what the media tells us never thinking they would lie or tell us fake news. Yes I believed that the News media tells the truth and nothing but the truth. Until 911 attacks. But in 4 years I’ve noticed how corrupt are Government is they Faked the Moon landings they are Fake 50 years ago NASA from 1969 to 1972 travels 250,000 miles there and back to walk on the moon 6 times in 3 years successfully first attempt.50 years later NASA has blown up 86 challenger 2003 Columbus canceled their space shuttle program 2010 pays Russia 70 million to get to the ISS today look no other country has ever sent man farther than 350 miles into space and neither has NASA since them Apollo missions 50 years ago common since tells you the answer. So I’m a truther show who exposes the deceiving evil people and show you material to make a opinion for yourself. Yes A conspiracy theorist I’ve researched for 10 years in all sorts of conspiracy I’m not here to lie or mislead I only show stuff that I believe we have been lied to from are government with that said I’m South Kerr and I Put The J in Genius

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