Kansas City Chiefs Super Bowl parade Fake Shooting

The Media is Pushing this Active Shooter bullshit to take away guns.

Watch https://www.bitchute.com/video/rInPi7cmtHje/

The evidence points to Million Fans all packed shoulder to shoulder Some Drunk some high and Fights always start at these types of events. Every concert I’ve ever been to there have been multiple fights some even pull out a gun. No one got shot no mass shooting all bullshit by the Tell Lie Vision

Gabby Petito Another Government Hoax

The Whole Gabby Brian Story ain’t nothing but 15 min of fame Soap Opera. I smelt Hoax from the start. Here are some TikTok videos I’ve put together.


If you watched any of my Videos then your not blind brainwashed by that Tell Lie Vision with Programs Programing you to believe there Lie. Gabby Petito case is a total Hoax just like Sandyhook & the Moon landings . I’m South Kerr

Buzz Aldrin Says No You Didn’t Watch the Moon Landing on TV

Buzz Aldrin You didn’t watch it there wasn’t Tv it was animated.

Boston Bombing Exposing Them

What’s Wrong With this Photo? This is a actual photo from the Boston Marathon Bombing

I didn’t Realize that a Bomb could literally blast massive holes in Jeans and Shirts.  Look at them Legs no Burn marks no Blood and he is walking.  This guy is a Crisis Actor just like everyone else at Boston.

Everyone who they say lost legs arms already had them missing.

This video will prove without a shadow of a doubt that Boston Bombing was nothing more than a Exercise with Crisis Actors who all played a part in deceiving lying. No one died no one lost a arm leg all Fake Blood 100% Fact watch my Legendary Documentary. Boston Marathon Bombing Exposing Them there’s the Truth & The Media Lie.


Please leave a Comment Good or Bad and let me know if you still believe the official story on the Boston Marathon Bombing. Thanks God bless .

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